The mind of God (The Source)


There is a Cosmic Intelligence that is in all things and through all things.

This is the one real substance. From it all things proceed. It is Intelligent Substance or Mind Stuff. It is God.

Where there is no substance there can be no intelligence; for where there is no substance there is nothing.
Where there is thought there must be a substance which thinks.

Thought cannot be a function; because function is motion, and it is inconceivable that  motion can think. Thought cannot be vibration, for vibration is motion, and that motion should be intelligent is not convieable. Motion is nothing but the moving of substance; if there be intelligence shown it must be in the substance and not in the motion.

Thought is not the result of motions in the brain. Thought is in the life-principle that animates the brain, in the eternal intelligence, which is the real you. The brain does not think, YOU think and expresses your thought through the brain.

There is an eternal intelligence that thinks. Just as the spirit substance of us permeate our body, and thinks and knows in the body, so the Original Spirit Substance, God, permeates all nature and thinks and knows in nature. Nature is as intelligent as us, and knows more than us; nature knows all things.

The All-Mind has been in touch with all things from the beginning; and it contains all knowledge. Our experience cover a few things, and these things we know; but Eternal Spirit’s experience covers all the things that have happened since the creation, from the wreck of a planet or the passing of a comet to the fall of a sparrow. All that is and all that has been are present in the Infinite Intelligence that is wrapped about us and enfolds us and presses upon us from every side.

All the encyclopedias that have written, all the websites have created are but trivial affairs compared to the vast knowledge held by the mind in which we live, move, and have our being.

You are thinking substance, a portion of the Cosmic Substance; but your “physical body/mind” is limited, while the Cosmic Intelligence from which you sprang, which Jesus called the Father, is unlimited.

All intelligence, power, and force come from this Source.  One of the greatest teacher  Jesus recognized this and stated it very plainly. Over and over again he ascribed all his wisdom and power to his unity with the Father, and to his perceiving the thoughts of God. “My Father and I are one.” This was the foundation of his knowledge and power. He showed the people the necessity of becoming spiritually awakened; of hearing his voice and becoming like him.

We are immersed in the Universal mind and that mind contains all knowledge and all truth. It is seeking to give us this knowledge, for our Source delights to give good gifts to its children. The prophets and seers and great men and women, past and present, were made great by what they received from God, not by what they were taught by others.

This limitless reservoir of wisdom and power is open to you; you can draw upon it, as you will, according to your needs. You can make yourself what you desire to be; you can do what you wish to do; you can have what you want. To accomplish this you must learn to become one with the Source so that you may perceive truth; so that you may have wisdom and know the right ends to seek and the right means to use to attain those ends, and so that you may secure power and ability to use the means.

Resolve that you will now lay aside all else and concentrate upon the attainment of conscious unity with The Source. Because this is the only way to  get to where you want to go.

Starting a new day…. Every day


The first hour is the rudder of the day. We essentially set the tone ( or the vibe) for the day starting the moment we’re awake.

Here is an exercise for you.

Tomorrow morning as soon as you’re awake pay attention to what’s going on in your head. Even before you get out of bed.

What is the conversation going on in your head. Are you glad to be up or do you hate that damn alarm clock. Are you having a pleasant conversation ( in your head) or is it one of lack and annoyance or worse.

First time I tried that exercise I was shocked to find out how someone as positive as me could have so much negativity in the first 5 minutes of the day……. It was an eye opener……..

This is my morning routine.

Sometime between 5:30 and 6:00

I am consciously in my body( time you wake up-before getting up) I take a few deep breaths and recognize this morning my body is alive. That’s a good start.

then I think of my expectation for this day to be a happy and exciting day and a day of constant contact with my infinite source. A few more deep breaths. hug my wife and get out of bed. Great to see my feet are still working..

I drink a pint of water.:::Slowly:::. Notice how the water hydrates my body starting with my tongue. If I don’t need more water then head to bathroom for the shower/shave/brush. Before I start I set my intention to clean my physical body. And during the process I produce positive thoughts. Think about funny things, fun things anything to keep increasing my vibe.

Now my body is watered and clean I grab my dream-magazine (Turk made magazine filled with things I want in my life.) I look at the pictures until my vibe reaches the point where I am happy to have those things in my life. Then I set my timer to 20 minutes, and start thinking about my life at that point in particular about the feeling I am going to have about it.

When the alarm goes off. I ask for clear guidance for anything I must do to reach that vision and faith for the times I’m in doubt of my connection to my God.

My work for this day is done.

I dress up and GOOOooooooo.

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Introduction to Subconscious

Every action starts with a thought. This is what guides us and helps us deal with life on its own terms. When we have to make decisions we use our faculty of the brain to think and reason about what we are facing so we can come to some positive conclusion that is most beneficial to ourselves and hopefully to those around us. It doesn’t matter what our station in life may be, we all use the same avenue that allows us to make decisions by what we experience, see or hear. If we think bad thoughts, bad things happen to us. If we think good thoughts, good things happen to us.

This way of thinking we believe comes from our consciousness. It dictates the way we think and reason about what has happened in our life and has a direct influence on the outcome of whatever problem or issue we happen to face. This conscious level controls how we discern our surroundings at any given time. But did you know that the conscious level of the mind is only involved in what we perceive? That’s right. The conscious level only takes in what the eyeballs and ears take in and initially deposit that information. However, the process does not end there, for another step is involved.

There is another level of the brain that has more control over our thoughts than the conscious level does. This is the subconscious.

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When to start training your employees

dv631010.jpgWhen you hire a new employee you have about a week to set him/her up for success or failure. During the interview: the prospective employee does not really think about anything other than ” I need to get this job.” When the job offer is made: Employee is the happiest. New job represents a new beginning a fresh new start. (s)he knows all the things this new job will bring. Since it’s a new job non of the negative associations with the current employer exists. (They didn’t know squat anyways.) First day at the job: Mostly nervous employee takes her time at the parking lot feeling like a kid who just transfers into a new school. Not knowing cliques, not knowing the culture, and not knowing who runs the show. When the new employee walks thru the front door starting with the first shaky step she is taking in all she can. THIS IS THE ONLY TIME YOUR NEW EMPLOYEE CAN BE TRAINED. If you don’t start training at this moment, from here on you will be spending most of your time un-training the employee until she leaves.

Subconscious Power

Subconscious programming starts with thoughts. These thoughts originate in the conscious mind and are then sent to the subconscious mind for processing. Once the subconscious mind processes these thoughts, it stores them for later retrieval. Thoughts that are held for later retrieval are known as beliefs.

Everything that is produced in a person’s life is a result of what they thought. Thoughts are very powerful as you have seen in this book. All you have to do is look around you and see conditions of people and know they got there because of what they thought. This is why it is important to monitor what you think and focus on what comes into your conscious mind. By thinking about positive things, you will produce positive results.

There are many steps you can take to change your subconscious programming. You can perform meditation or creative visualization or both. The bottom line is to do what it takes to control and change what goes into your subconscious mind, and to alter what is already there.

When you meditate, you actually reach your subconscious mind directly. This is the best way to reprogram your subconscious mind. Just put good thoughts in there and you will find your previous programming will change. It is important to learn this principle. What you think about becomes your reality. If you want to attract goods things in your life, you must think good thoughts.

In order to attract good things in your life you must vibrate in harmony with the universe. This entails different procedures to gets there. You can reprogram your subconscious through meditation and visualization. But you also need to show gratitude for what you have. This way you will get more. When you show gratitude, you are vibrating in harmony with the universe and by doing this, those thoughts will get processed by the subconscious mind. What happens then is that those thoughts are filed in your memory banks as vibrating energy. So when the time comes to use them, they will respond exactly the same way they were stored. This way the energy you have from your subconscious mind is sent to your conscious mind and you will respond according to what the thoughts are.

Everything in the universe is energy. By acting in harmony with this energy, you can become intertwined as it were with the universal source. By coming together with it in this way, you will be attracting everything that the universe has to offer since you will be connected to it. Once your subconscious mind has been programmed properly to be in accord and connected to the universe, the results will be what you make them to be – goodness, happiness, and plenty of prosperity.

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Our brains, bodies, mind, faculties, and talents are the mere instruments we uses in demonstrating greatness; in themselves they do not make us great. A man may have a healthy brain and a good mind, strong faculties, and brilliant talents, and yet he is not a great man unless he uses all these in a great way.


That quality which enables us to use our abilities in a great way makes us great; and to that quality we give the name of wisdom. Wisdom is the essential basis of greatness.

Wisdom is the power to perceive the best ends to aim at and the best means for reaching those ends. It is the power to perceive the right thing to do. The person who is wise enough to know the right thing to do, who is good enough to wish to do only the right thing, and who is able and strong enough to do the right thing is a truly great person.

Wisdom is dependent upon knowledge. Where there is complete ignorance there can be no wisdom, no knowledge of the right thing to do.

Our knowledge is comparatively limited and so our wisdom must be small, unless we can connect our mind with knowledge greater than our own and draw from it, by inspiration, the wisdom that our own limitations deny us. This we can do; this is what the really great men and women have done. Our knowledge is limited and uncertain; therefore we cannot have wisdom in ourselves.

Abraham Lincoln had limited education; but he had the power to perceive truth. In Lincoln we see pre-eminently apparent the fact that real wisdom consists in knowing the right thing to do at all times and under all circumstances; in having the will to do the right thing, and in having talent and ability enough to be competent and able to do the right thing. Back in the days of the abolition agitation, and during the compromise period, when all other men were more or less confused as to what was right or as to what ought to be done, Lincoln was never uncertain. He saw through the superficial arguments of the pro-slavery men; he saw, also, the impracticability and fanaticism of the abolitionists; he saw the right ends to aim at and he saw the best means to attain those ends. It was because men recognized that he perceived truth and knew the right thing to do that they made him president.

If you develop the power to perceive truth, and you can show that you always know the right thing to do and that you can be trusted to do the right thing, you will be honored and advanced; the whole world is looking eagerly for such person.

When Lincoln became president he was surrounded by a multitude of so-called able advisers, hardly any two of whom were agreed. At times they were all opposed to his policies; at times almost the whole North was opposed to what he proposed to do. But he saw the truth when others were misled by appearances; his judgment was seldom or never wrong. He was at once the ablest statesman and the best soldier of the period. Where did he, a comparatively unlearned man, get this wisdom? It was not due to some peculiar formation of his skull or to some fineness of texture of his brain. It was not due to some physical characteristic. It was not even a quality of mind due to superior reasoning power.

Processes of reason do not often reach knowledge of truth. It was due to a spiritual insight. He perceived truth, but where did he perceive it and whence did the perception come? We see something similar in Washington, whose faith and courage, due to his perception of truth, held the colonies together during the long and often apparently hopeless struggle of the Revolution.

We see something of the same thing in the phenomenal genius of Napoleon, who always knew, in military matters, the best means to adopt. We see that the greatness

of Napoleon was in nature rather than in Napoleon, and we discover back of Washington and Lincoln something greater than either Washington or Lincoln. We see the same thing in all great men and women.

They perceive truth; but truth cannot be perceived until it exists; and there can be no truth until there is a mind to perceive it.Truth does not exist apart from mind. Washington and Lincoln were in touch and communication with a mind that knew all knowledge and contained all truth. The same is true of all who manifest wisdom. Wisdom is obtained by reading the mind of Infinite Intelligence.

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Thought Waves and their Process of Reproduction-Part1

LIKE a stone thrown into the water, thought produces ripples and waves which spread out over the great ocean of thought. There is this difference, however: the waves on the water move only on a level plane in all directions, whereas thought waves move in all directions from a common center, just as do the rays from the sun.

Just as we here on earth are surrounded by a great sea of air, so are we surrounded by a great sea of Mind. Our thought waves move through this vast mental ether, extending, however, in all directions, as I have explained, becoming somewhat lessened in intensity according to the distance traversed, because of the friction occasioned by the waves coming in contact with the great body of Mind surrounding us on all sides.

These thought waves have other qualities differing from the waves on the water. They have the property of reproducing themselves; in this respect they resemble sound waves rather than waves upon the water. Just as a note of the violin will cause the thin glass to vibrate and “sing,” so will a strong thought tend to awaken similar vibrations in minds attuned to receive it. Many of the “stray thoughts” which come to us are but reflections or answering vibrations to some strong thought sent out by another. But unless our minds are attuned to receive it, the thought will not likely affect us. If we are thinking high and great thoughts, our minds acquire a certain keynote corresponding to the character of the thoughts we have been thinking. And, this keynote once established, we will be apt to catch the vibrations of other minds keyed to the same thought. On the other hand, let us get into the habit of thinking thoughts of an opposite character, and we will soon be echoing the low order of thought emanating from the minds of the thousands thinking along the same lines.

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How to take action Consistently

Steve and I must be sharing the same source of intuition. Every time I read his posts I feel like I’m reading my own thoughts. Even our wives  have similarities. If I wasn’t born 7000 miles from the US I’d think we’re related in this plane too.

On his new post he’s outlining how to actually get in a state for taking the “correct” action. Often people think about their goals and dreams and take action. After all we’re condition to Just Do it and adjust along the way. I think it’s important to take action, but no reason to take the wrong action for the sake of action.

1) Visualize your goal/task as completed.

2) Start playing with that thought in your mind. Explore it. If it’s a new career see yourself IN that career and earning the money and having the things it’ll bring in to your life etc. TAKE YOUR TIME & ENJOY this process. This is YOUR dream came true. If it’s not enjoyable  it’s not your dream.

3) Your body will  start buzzing with desire to move ( 5-10 minutes) this signal is a good indicator your subconscious mind and conscious mind are aligned.

Then ?

Here is his answer:

” Once you start feeling that positive tension in your body, stop and ask yourself this question:

What can I do right now to make this goal a reality?

As you ask this question, hold the expectation that the answer will be something simple that can be done in 30 minutes or less.

Whatever reasonable answer pops into your head, accept it and act on it immediately.  At this point you should find it very easy to take action — it would be harder to procrastinate.  Do you procrastinate on sex when you’re physically aroused?

Now you’ve caught the energy wave.  The next trick is to ride it as far as you can before it eventually dissipates.

Get that simple task done as quickly as you can.  Sometimes you’ll flow effortlessly into another task.  But if you don’t know what to do next, that’s no problem.  Just stop again and ask yourself:

What can I do right now to make this goal a reality?

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The Cobbler’s Children Have No Shoes

This expression feels very current to me. It refers to the fact that a busy cobbler will be so busy making shoes for his customers that he has no time to make some for his own children.

I’ve been so busy past 6-8 months preparing for the launch of my training site and my forum I just remember I haven’t send out anything to my list all this time.

I’m afraid they’ll think I forgot about them.

Silver lining to all this is I’ll be done with 2007 in couple days and that is a great feeling.

Saturday was Charlotte Marathon (AKA Thunder roll).

I’m not a runner, and after seeing how unprofesional the event was handled by Run Charlotte I don’t plan to become a runner any time soon.

Being stuck in my neighborhood because of all the roads being blocked did not stop me from looking for something to learn from this experience (besides boycotting all Run Charlotte events.)  I learned life is like a marathon. Everyone has to go in their own pace. There were fast runners, and slow walkers. There were slow walkers ahead of fast runners which indicated they were faster runners at one point, but in time the people they past at one point will catch up and/or pass them.

It became obvious to me marathon is like life an individual experience. You are among your peers,  but it’s you the runner has to determine your pace, when to speed up, when to slow down, when to stop and start again. All of those decisions must be based on minute by minute changes in you.